How to
Hi there,
I have a style, and customized it to my fitting.
Pictures, text, link etc.
Now i want to copy the style with all in it, place it back on "christmas" name en make a few adjustments.
I tried to do this in style manager like this :
click styles and templates (on the left)
Select Download/Upload Style (on the left)
First box is a drop down, select your skin you want to duplicate
Make sure vBulletin is the product
give it a title
give it a filename
Select either option of all customizations made in the skin, or this skin and parent skins
hit download
Imported it like this :
Hit the Browse Button
locate the .xml file you just downloaded (the one that was to duplicate the skin)
Make sure Create New style
Give it no parent style
Hit Import button
If i do it like this, it does not load the logo, tekst etc.
Does anybody have a good tutorial to copy my style and place it back under a different name?
Hope to hear.