a bud of mine fixed the multiple specific forum thing
u need my modded ircadmin.php
and alter the following:
with phpmyadmin: go to the table ircaddon; u have to change ircforum from: int(20) default NULL
type: mediumtext Null: No_null Default: "" ( remove NULL)
where u added the hack in newthread.php, replace it with the following:
PHP Code:
// Create a notice on irc channel
$ircdata = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM ircaddon");
if($ircdata[ircthread] == "1") {
$Action = "new";
$fid = trim($ircdata[ircforum]);
$ircforum=explode(" ", preg_replace("/[[:space:]]+/", " ", $fid) );
while (list($key,$val)=each($ircforum))
if ((strstr(" ".$forumid," ".trim($val))!="") || ($ircdata[ircforum] == 0))
same for newreply.php:
PHP Code:
$ircdata = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM ircaddon");
if($ircdata[ircthread] == "1") {
$Action = "new";
$fid = trim($ircdata[ircforum]);
$ircforum=explode(" ", preg_replace("/[[:space:]]+/", " ", $fid) );
while (list($key,$val)=each($ircforum))
if ((strstr(" ".$forumid," ".trim($val))!="") || ($ircdata[ircforum] == 0))
now u can add multiple forumids seperated with a space, like
5 12 15 16 3 61 11