I looked at the style on your site. There is certainly a lot of work behind your style. Unlike the responsive style of Sultanthemes, it is a style without tables with a lot of nested style sheets as in vB5. You really have to be an expert to customize a style with nested style sheets. It's not my case. I am not a coder. I prefer a style with tables and plugins with tables. For 3.8.11, I prefer to customize with tables. It's easier for me and I don't care about Google indexing.
I start working on my 5.6.4 license this weekend. Vb 3.8.11 is over for me, it will be an 'Entry forum' and vb 5.6.4 will be a sort of Premium forum. Both forums linked on the same domain name.
Thanks to everyone who helped me with 3.8.11.