Originally posted by nitro
if u have an irc # then eggdrop is the best bot to run and if u can run eggdrop try windrop
there are a lot of addon scripts to enhance yer eggdrop/windrop
I disagree. The best bots are the ones you write yourself, 'cause the do just what you want them to do

And even if you can't write one yourself, eggdrop isn't the best bot. It's the most commonly used bot, I must agree with that, but that doens't make it the best...
I always used the Dancer SE 5.0 bot, but it died at 1 januari 2002 (and we started joking: It isn't y2k2 compliant), and restarting (and even kicking) it didn't help :cry:. A little bit of research showed us that it was due to the very trashy server (a linux server with a not so stable kernel which can't be updated). So we tried it at a windows 2k server, and that worked. But, in memory of our good friend CyberFriend/Joey/Stimpy (all the names the bod has had

), we dicided to forget about the bot.
But, we are willing to try out Dymo's script, and so still eagerly waiting for his 'major update'...