Originally Posted by fernandofgg
Hi yilmaz thank you again, I just re install the XML, but with ALT + S it open the main menu in firefox ''HISTORY'', what should I do?
Best regards
--------------- Added [DATE]1607310005[/DATE] at [TIME]1607310005[/TIME] ---------------
Hi yilmaz thank you again, I just re install the XML, but with ALT + s it open the main menu in firefox ''HISTORY'', what should I do?
Best regards
The keyboard shortcuts differ depending on the browser:
IE, Chrome, Safari, Opera 15+: ALT + accesskey
Opera (1-14): SHIFT - ESC + accesskey
Firefox: ALT + SHIFT + accesskey
Browser-specific keyboard shortcuts may have priority, so I chose the non-functional letter
Firefox keyboard shortcut you will use these three buttons, it works when pressed at the same time.
Firefox Example: