Originally Posted by In Omnibus
I kept my mouth shut on this because I haven't run vBulletin 3.x in over a decade but there are reasons for that, like half of the 3.x mods having security flaws that make them unusable on public servers. These mods were coded for PHP versions that have been deprecated for a decade. They were coded using deprecated transitional HTML and XML. They don't meet minimum security standards and most of the developers have long since moved on so they can't even be contacted for permission to modify their work. I'm actually surprised how many are still available for download.
veering off topic, lets do that since this post needs closed lol. I will always stick up for vb3 because its my baby lol. Half the mods have security flaws? unusable? deprecated?
There is NO reason vb3 can not be coded to todays standards, MOST mods that are deprecated are seriously just changing one character in the product file or PHP files. Yes the whole table every single bit in vb3 is just stupid (even back then they could have easily used divs), but with a little creativity you can get passed that.
I tend to find myself still using mods from 3.5, and even occasionally 3.0!
Yes SOME mods are completely F***ed due to php deprecations, but most of them are seriously easy as hell fixes IE removing &'s (wont go into detail on all that stuff though)
I GUARENTEE my 3x board is more "UP TO DATE" than any single vb4 / 5 vanilla board. If a dev has not been on here for years (which is almost everyone now days because everyone went to xF) It's up to other devs to continue their work. If an author has a problem with it at that point then they can do something. It's like with vB announcing EOL on vb3 (and I believe 4) it is now up to developers to keep it "Up to date" because the original developer is no longer supporting their product, for example I COULD begin to release updated versions of that product. vb3 was last updated to 3.8.11 where as my vb is more like 3.8.16. remove old shit here, add new shit there, etc.
I digress, my point is vb3 is 100% perfectly capible of staying with the standards of today, and if more people didnt give into the hype of bloat added to vb4, we wouldn't be stuck with the garbage vb5 (although it has improved some)
vB3 <3 Always