I think part of the problem is in the presentation. Your home page
https://www.usabledatabases.com/ tells me little to nothing and just presents a bunch of databases I can buy. Somewhere on your site was a link to:
https://www.thedataplanet.com/databases.html This home page told me what it is that they do though in a minimalistic way. I think you need to build more content and what your site focuses on, what it has and what you can do. Have you done the usual Google Ads? Have you promoted and have any back links? You can spend all the money in the world but on the internet for every idea 1,000 others are doing the same. You need to stand out and understand what your competition is doing. As a start up find the 800lb gorilla and mimic their business model to the best of your ability and try to gain some traction. Unfortunately the old saying of build it and they will come does not carry much weight on the internet.