Originally Posted by z3r0
I think you are trying to infer that xenforo stole the vb4 concept - that comment alone proves you haven't got a clue what you are talking about and I really shouldn't waste any more time debating with you.
Mike and Kier were developing XF while they were working for Internet Brands developing vBulletin 4. vBulletin 5 didn't exist at the time. If you put vBulletin 4 and XF 1 next to each other you can barely tell them apart. In fact, a very large number of the third party mod and add on coders took their existing vBulletin 4 mods and started selling them on XF without having to do anything structural to them to make them work.
You're probably correct in that you should not spend time debating this with me.
You're certainly not quick to point out that most of the bad reviews of vBulletin 5 are from when it was first released. It looks very much like your opinion of vBulletin 5 is from then as well. It's not the same product now or even close.