Originally Posted by MrZeropage
Great thing. Do I understand right that this in the end will be some "new vB4" which is compatible to PHP7.4 and later, while remaining all the old hooks ect?
The first (Free) version should be the current vB4.2.5 with responsive design and some extra design modifications. Some examples:
- User link will open a modal window with basic user information and a link to normal profile page.
- Sidebar moved to a slide panel.
- Profile page has been redesigned
- Forum display page has been redesigned
- Show thread page has been redesigned
- NavBar menu options moved to slide panel
- Login/Register/Password reminder moved to modal window
- Search moved to slide panel, even if there is a link to current Advanced search page. But this slide panel search should be fine for 80% of the users as it has the most common search criteria
- .......and many more
As I seen you're a coder, so you must know that (unfortunately) there are restrictions to share vB core files. That makes impossible to release php files to keep compatibility with PHP 7.3 and later with PHP 7.4. Sure I'll ask permission from IB to do this, but I'm keeping my expectations to get this authorization, in low level.
ProjectvB4 uses Bootstrap 3 framework. That said, almost all 3nd party addons need some kind of template modifications. Testing my own mods, I found that these changes are very few, but don't know for others. And Yes, hook system will works as now, but keep in mind that if these hooks have templates, these templates must be modify.