What exactly is missing? I am comparing a fresh download of this software from this thread with what is up there in my server and not noticing any difference yet.
At your end, maybe you deleted something related to DragonByte software when you did the upgrade to 5.6.2 - as you know every time we upgrade vbulletin the upgrade software prompts us to delete a number of files and directories that no longer are required in the upgraded version. Within that list are many pieces that are not "expected" to be part of vbulletin - because they are not! they belong to third party apps, like vbshout. Those pieces must be maintained notwithstanding the warnings.
As far as the issue at my end the only thing we changed recently, other than the upgrade to vb 5.6.2, was lowering the innodb buffer pool size from 4Gb to 2.5Gb (MySQL buffer pool setting). I am going to set it back to 4Gb and see if that makes a difference. We lowered it five days ago, but actually recall the shoutbox working even since then - it seems to have just stopped working two days ago. As far as the vb 5.6.2 upgrade, I did that three weeks ago so I don't think the issue at my end has to do with the vb 5.6.2 upgrade, as I am pretty sure shoutbox was working until very recently.
If anyone may get this working on 5.6.2 then we will know that 5.6.2 is not the issue.