Too good to die"
This is what I believe for vBulletin 4 and I'll try my best to keep it alive. But I'm in need of people who also love vBulletin 4 and they're ready to help to this project. I'm not looking for financial sponsors but for voluntaries who can help by spending some of their free time to find and suggest content (plugins) that are useful to be part of this special release.
First and most important step is to bypass a real (the only for me) disadvantage that vB4 has. A responsive design. I'm rebuilding all templates using Twitter Bootstrap 3 framework. This way any designer who is familiar with Bootstrap can easily design a new theme.
Second important is that,
without to change any core file, I've changed the way that works in many places. eg
- Clicking a username you're not redirecting to profile page, but it shows a modal window with the basics user info and a link to the full profile page.
- The sidebar opens in a slide window
- The user menu options also open in a slede widonw, available in all pages.
- Same for Search
- and many more...
Last but not least:
- I'll replace the Memberlist with my own Memberlist mod
- I'll replace Private Messages with multi user convertation system
- etc etc....
Any idea is welcome. I'm attaching some screenshots
Thank you
aka ChrisTERiS or even MicroHellas