Originally Posted by snakes1100
That company dont care about this site, just like they abandoned vb3 & vb4 customers, by not updating them to support later php versions.
I've converted a lot of my customers to xenforo & others for that simple reason.
The company is a joke anymore & the login issue has been going on for months.
They have no excuse for it, dont make excuses for em.
Well I do understand that they don't support older versions anymore, all software has an end-of-life date after which it's just not worth the effort anymore to keep it up-to-date. This is extremely common among all (website) software.
Eventually PHP will keep making more (drastic) changes that might require a big rewrite of the codebase of older vBulletin versions.
Regardless, the community will most likely provide unofficial patches to keep vBulletin 3/4 working on newer PHP versions.