Thanks for the the exact controversy I intended with the start of this thread! We all (should know) by now xF was EXACTLY that, but lets not digress from the topic
I understand completely your reasoning to stay on the latest version. I too have a vB5, 4 CMS, and 3 license. However I can not seem to get my butt in gear to take the plunge to even vB4, as a coder I feel vB3 is all I need and any version there after just has too much bloat + I'd have to re learn the new languages implemented with any newer version. vB4 seems to be the most popular of all the vB versions, and maybe that was because of non coding admins wanting the latest software for their site, but as a coder I feel their is no need to leave vB3. The downside of that, is I planned (long ago) to build free and paid plugins, and if I'm not developing for what people use... that is where I ask myself is it pointless to continue in my vB3 era.
I have SOOO many mods I have developed. some little, some big, and I never find myself finalizing them, because all I want to do is code more things, or life gets in the way. I want to be come a profitable developer, and I feel the way I'm doing things now, just aren't going to cut it. I may have to begin developing for the Other boards as well.