Hello, everyone. Just wanted to drop by and let folks know that vBAdvanced works with PHP7.2.30
A few files need to be adjusted, and it'll fire right up.
In each of these files - vba_cmps_admin.php, vbacmps_install.php (if installing for the first time or to re-install... more with this file in a sec), vba_cmps_include_bottom.php and vba_cmps_include_top.php
Change to:
Note the & symbol was removed.
vBAvanced should fire right up now.
Back to that install file, vbacmps_install.php -
If you are installing for the first time on vB3.8+ or simply need to re-install/upgrade, you *might* need to modify the version number.
define('IS_VB_36', (in_array(substr($vbulletin->options['templateversion'], 0, 3), array(3.6, 3.7))) ? true : false);
Change to:
define('IS_VB_38', (substr($vbulletin->options['templateversion'], 0, 3) == 3.8) ? true : false);
It should now install/re-install as needed.
These are the ONLY changes I made to mine, and it works. I am running vB 3.8.11 on PHP Version 7.2.30.
www.3dgladiators.net and/or
www.colonialfleets.com (to see everything, you'd need to be a member logged in, but I think you can see enough right there to know it works)