in my online.php, instead of this code:
global $thread, $post, $forum, $event, $gotforum, $hideprivateforums, $bbuserinfo, $timeformat, $enableemail, $enablepms, $bbtitle, $usergroupdef, $numberguests;
I have this code:
global $DB_site, $thread, $post, $forum, $event, $gotforum, $hideprivateforums, $bbuserinfo, $timeformat, $enableemail, $enablepms, $bbtitle, $usergroupdef, $numberguests, $onlineloc;
Since the only addition to that line that you said we should replace it with is the $DB_site, will what I have already work or will it intefere with it? Can $DB_site be used for more than one hack at a time? And will it work at the beginning of that line just fine with this hack

I just want to be sure, is all.