Our forum
www.tenisdemasa.ro was upgraded from VB4 to VB5.6.0.
After the upgrade, some messages (thousands) containing BBcodes images hosted on other websites were bad formatting (see link and printscreen):
The original code is somehow modified by vBulletin engine and it result in this error.
When I edit a post and click on "source" I see this:
The only way I found to fix this is by editing every affected post, click on "source - advanced editor" and save.
I also notice that this BUG "applied" to all BBcode / URL codes containing images hosted on other websites.
When edit such post without "advanced editor", after saving, the post will contain the above error. ( edit/source/save)
Can you help me by fixing this to all (thousands)my forum messages?
Thank you.
It is reported here: