Originally Posted by shka
Try replacing "mysql_escape_string" on lines 51,58,64 of includes/class_eg_tfh_yui.php with "$db->escape_string" or "$db->real_escape_string" and add line 43
function javascript_code($container, $verify_usergroup = true)
global $db;
$this->code .= "var " . $this->name . " = new YAHOO.widget.TabView();";
But remember the code and the linked yui library are from 2008-2011.
replacing "mysql_escape_string" on lines 51,58,64 of includes/class_eg_tfh_yui.php with "$db->escape_string"
This in combination with adding "global $db;" on line 43 as you suggested fully fixed the problem. You sir, are a god.