Originally Posted by charlesr
Note that I added in extra buttons to the mobile header to make navigation easier.
Here's the code for my mobile style header template. Please don't just copy paste - it won't work. You need to read mine, compare it to yours and understand the changes and then write the changes needed to yours, plus add relevant button images.
I also added an easy link to the full size style, because editing posts on mobile style is a nightmare
I really appreciate your comments and help.
Indeed, yesterday when I was looking at your site with my mobile through metro theme mobile, I saw what you mentioned, some icons above for better interaction with the user, and in the footer, the full size option.
I did not know that the option to edit is a nightmare (a pity) because really, the theme is not responsive, but as I told you, yesterday when I browsed it, I really liked it and it seems almost responsive, it looked really good. I looked at those top menu options.
Analyzed with google insights gives a really excellent result, all this contradicts what the author told me, I almost did not advise him, he said that it was not good for google, but it is.
I appreciate your comments, I am guided and trust more of them than those of the author.
At the same time, I thank you for the code, as you say, it is not copy and paste, I do not like to do that, I like to look at it, see what it does, adapt it, in some things my knowledge comes, in others maybe not, but even where my knowledge does not arrive, I try to know what it does and why. I have already seen certain parts of the code that I will adapt to mine, I have variable phrases changed on my site, so I will adapt it to mine. I will make the comparison, see and adapt it. As I comment, I thank you very much for your comments and directions.
I'm going to buy the theme, I hope to have it installed and adapted this week, as soon as I have it, I'll let you know.
Thank you!