Thanks for the information, I was just hoping there was a different Downloads program that could import DownloadsII and would work with PHP 7.2. I once tried vBDownloads but that also wouldn't work.
My site is a labor of love about my passion for pinball and in April would be 17 years old. I don't earn money but have rare donations that doesn't cover my shared dreamhost bill of $190.00 every 2 years. I looked at dedicated server pricing and that is not a option for me.
I just started to look into a VPS (didn't know that you could select a php version) but due to my storage amount of over 30GB would have to pay $20.00 per month for the next VPS tier from dreamhost which would more than double my bill, don't think I could pay that amount but will try to find other VPS options. Any suggestions about VPS hosting plans?
Thank You