The plugin in itself is not insecure as I do not believe that the intention of scanning files for malicious code was ever its intent. That being said you can then say vBulletin is not secure in that the way it allows you to have attachments and upload avatars. There is a known exploit:
The following issues exist in vBulletin itself, reported by us to vBulletin support over 60 days ago(years now). Since vBulletin has not patched or disclosed the issues since that time, we now do so here:
An image decompression bomb vulnerability exists when vBulletin Options > Message Attachment Options > Resize Images = Yes. Disable it to protect your site.
An image decompression bomb vulnerability exists when allowing user uploads for avatars and profile pictures. To protect your site, change your forum's permissions so that users cannot upload custom avatars or profile pics.
An image decompression bomb vulnerability exists when using ImageMagick for images and allowing uploads. Currently known issues are for PDFs and TIFFs; however, because the filename of the incoming upload is not trustworthy, removing entries from the Attachment Manager or changing Attachment Permissions are not viable options. The following mitigation options exist:
Change vBulletin Options > Image Settings > Image Processing Library = GD, OR
Change your forum's permissions so that no users can upload anything.
In an attempt to figure the best way to resolve this sort of thing would be to update the Fractalizer Plugin to work with VB 4: