Credit Card to pay for activities for car Club
Search failed me so I think I'll just ask for help.
I run a forum for a Car Club. We do activities such as dinners, we sell club gear, we take names for parties that require a "payment" to participate. For example, an awards banquet that requires prepayment of $25 a person that can be done with a credit card on the forum to pay for your seat and meal at the banquet.
Is there something out there that will allow me to have the car club members sign up for the banquet AND pay using their personal credit card. I need this payment to be structured to only apply to a specific event so the money payments need to be put in one bucket for each event or activity. So, 4 different functions with 4 different amounts can be signed up and paid in 4 different forum threads.
I'm using a "poll" to get names for the activities/events, so I know how many people are coming to the activity, I just need a way to allow them to pay for the activity on the forum thread.
I have vb 4.2.5