These edits are far from sufficient.
Please also check all PHP files related to XML file generation / download. Otherwise, your exported XML files (can be languages, styles, your PMs, etc.) will still be in the ISO charset.
Also, if you want to do fresh installation, prior to that you can edit those MySQL-related files in the "install" folder to make sure that:
1. The newly created database is in "CHARSET utf8mb4 with COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci".
2. All FULLINDEX parts are made WITH PARSER NGRAM to ensure that the content indexing with East-Asian languages become effective. (This also requires further edits of other PHP files to correctly parse double-byte contents.) // You can skip this step if you don't need to provide Chinese / Korean / Japanese support in your forum.
3. MySQL version at least 5.7.6. If MariaDB or Percona, please doublecheck compatibilities with "utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci" and NGRAM.
I guess you are good to go if everything addressed above is set.