I am still using VB 4 and am reluctant to try VB5 based on what I read and based on the comparisons in the links below, it looks like very few have moved from VB4 to 5.
I would also consider Xenforo but it's an unknown to me after 15 years with VB.
Here's the thing: I get this email out of nowhere from some one who says VB4 has a sql injection vulnerability and he wants to report this to my admin. I don't know if this is a scam to get me to pay him to fix it, but the email lists all of my database tables, which makes me uneasy, and they tell me all the data is accessible.
Again, possible scam but he has my attention.
I report it to my webhosting company to see that they think (and they are very good) and they tell me since VB4 is at end of life, I should upgrade to VB5 or risk continued security breaches.
Hence, the title of this post - is anyone out there still updating VB4 for security patches, etc.?
Another question, what's your thought on that provocative email? scam, threat or something else?