Originally posted by BigJohnson
OK When you go to the store is says how much is needed for this item if you want to buy it and it tells you how much money you need also to buy it. KNow in order to have the bank you need 100 bucks. Now no where in the main page of the store does it say you need 100 bucks till you actually click the bank button then it says you need 100 bucks. Please tell me how to add something pon like this thanks.
Ok first off
this link was just made for a easyer way to add the bank to the store so you didnt need antoher button in your header.
It cant you show how many its sold becoz ITS NOT SELLING U ANYTHING
als o if that was added then it would also be a lie coz you dont get changed to transfer and stuff link this
They is however 3 ways arond this problem
1. One i can probley edited the DB so them numbers would only show as NA
2. set the bank link not to display in your forum and then add a button yourself. (personaly i liked the link in the store so thats why i added that bit)
3. U can leave it the way it is and in your admin cp edit the option for bank and add in the Description the costs for things
[high]* Blue2000 likes option 3 coz its easyest :P[/high]