Originally Posted by Seven Skins
No just make sure forums are visible to guests.
And Sitemap File Path = ./store_sitemap should be writable
And "URLs Per Page" try reducing the number of urls as server may be timing out.
Hello Seven Skins.
* Yes forum is visible to guests.
* When you say Sitemap File Path "
should be writeable"...is this a setting? If it is...I'm not seeing it on the "XML Sitemap" options window.
* As far as "URL's Per Page"...you mentioned try reducing the number of URL's. Any suggestions?
Member scottkoz mentioned 10,000.
Thank you sir.
--------------- Added [DATE]1568736517[/DATE] at [TIME]1568736517[/TIME] ---------------
Originally Posted by scottkoz20
I have mine at 10000 just as an FYI
Thanks man...I appreciate the help.
My site has always had this setting at 30,000 (I know the vBulletin software says don't go above 50,000)...but definitely willing to try a reduced setting.