Originally Posted by final kaoss
In that case, add this to your headers
<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="upgrade-insecure-requests">
More info: CSP: upgrade-insecure-requests - HTTP | MDN
To sum it up, if a asset can be served via SSL (https) and isn't, then adding this tag will force it to be served via SSL.
Ok, kaoss, I'm on it!
Originally Posted by In Omnibus
Like Wayne said in the other forum it's easy to miss. vB3.x wasn't exactly laid out with ease of use in mind. 
First let me thank you again! So nice to help.
I'm still shaking my head

My first thought was to check the style templates with a search. Then we checked the StyleVars and CSS. Then I went through the various vBulletin Options, one at a time, looking for anything related to that icon, or anything with an
http:// prefix. I must have skipped that one, and never looked back. I spent several hours checking php files, wow, it was so easy but I missed it!