Originally Posted by Dave
In the end, it's all about money and they cannot make any money with vBulletin 3/4 anymore since it's all about vBulletin 5, which makes sense from a business perspective.
But the problem is, users like me still want to pay for vBulletin 4, at least buy "extra support" if it is still supported.
Originally Posted by Dave
If you have PHP 7 (and in the future PHP 8) compatibility issues then any decent PHP developer out there should be able to fix these issues. It doesn't have to be a vBulletin developer.
Honestly I applied this by hiring some developers to fix some issues on addons when upgrade to PHP 7.x and vB4.2.5 but if there are more people pay for a person to support vB then all community will be supported than just me. I think that will be better to add funds together.