LDAP Login or without password possible 5.5.2
Hi there,
I searched a lot but I got no answer to my special problem. I am a real newbie to vBulletin.
I got it installed and running after a few issues?
Now my problem is:
Our forum is located in our internal LAN and only available internally - it is also only available for certain users where the link to the forum is offered in their personalized Intranet homepage.
I want to achieve that when I click on the link in our Intranet (php made) - this user will be redirected to the vBulletin Forum without any login to the forum itself. (best would be, that user will be created if not yet available in vBulletin db.
Users are logged in in our Intranet with lLDAP connection. Maybe it is possible to loop throught the credentials to the Forum?
Or another way would be to redirect from Intranet only the users name (or emailaddress) - vBulletin is creating this user if not yet availbale whithout any password and makes login automatically. So the login process will be still the Intranet server- and this server is making just for certain users a link to the forum.
Best regards