Originally Posted by Mr_Devlin
That's weird...Ok, here is a little work around:
Open class_bbcode.php (same file you used above) and search for this code (around line 2383):
PHP Code:
$rightlink = str_replace(array('`', '"', "'", '['), array('`', '"', ''', '['), $this->strip_smilies($rightlink));
Change it to:
PHP Code:
$rightlink = str_replace(array('`', '"', "'", '['), array('`', '"', ''', '[','http://anonym.to/?'), $this->strip_smilies($rightlink));
Im running vb 4.2.5 and the class_bbcode.php code is different!
my code is... on line 2452
$rightlink = str_replace(array('`', '"', "'", '['), array('`', '"', ''', '['), $this->strip_smilies($rightlink));
so how to I change it so his code works?