Originally Posted by Prince
Many times I have posted questions about mods or how to do things with no helpful responses and that is what people come here for.
It is but the developer of the mod should be the one answering the questions, not the moderators, unless a moderator is the developer of the mod.
I'm all for this not being a ghost town but with vBulletin 4 no longer being developed and with vBulletin 5 being an entirely different animal (one which includes several of the most popular mods from vB4.x in the core software) there's simply less of a market for free third party mods and add-ons. The fact is most of the third party coders left for greener pastures. They went to software that charges for everything. Why people think that's better is beyond me. The ones who were developing for vB4 had a falling out with upper management because developers want control over their work. Many of them moved their products to other locations where they continue to support them.
I just don't think we should railroad every past or present moderator as being the same. It's a grossly inaccurate and unfair assessment.