Unable to delete forums that have posts with thanks and not working correctly with PHP 7.1
1. Any version PHP: Unable to delete a forum or post that is linked to a "thanks". Throws up an SQL error. Have to disable the mod to delete any posts that have thanks.
2. PHP 7.1: Throws up an error when you click on thanks
[] operator not supported for strings on line 182 in /home/*****/forums/includes/functions_post_thanks.php
#0 /home/*****/forums/includes/functions_post_thanks.php(137): fetch_thanks('1180756', '', false)
#1 /home/*****/forums/post_thanks.php(64): thanked_already(Array)
#2 {main}
Fatal User Error: [] operator not supported for strings on line 182 in ..../includes/functions_post_thanks.php in ..../vb/vb.php on line 286
Trace Data:
#1 : vbstop() called in ..../includes/class_core.php on line 6089
#2 : vbulletin_error_handler() called in on line
#3 : trigger_error() called in ..../vb/vb.php on line 286
#4 : vB::handleException() called in on line
Var Type:
[ NULL ]
Var Data:
#1 still has the issue with PHP 7.0 (i've seen many others post about this - its a major issue that no one has attempted to fix). It seems to be linked to the option "Remove User's Thanks Count When Deleting Post" - when this is set to No then it deletes no problem.
#2 is fixed when revert back to PHP 7.0. We need to be on PHP 7.1
Thanks in advance.