Originally Posted by snakes1100
It most likely wont show an error, but turn on display_errors in php.ini
sh*t your running LS, do a "locate php.ini" look for LS's php.ini as it uses a different one, dont have a LS server in front of me to chk where it is.
log_errors to syslog
Restart lightspeed
Refresh the site.
Run this cmd from ssh & see if it spits out an error when you refresh
tail -f /var/log/messages
tail -f /var/log/apache2/error_log
tail -f /var/log/apache2/domlogs/domain.com
Thank you. I am on apache. I did what you suggested and found the error was caused because c-panel removed memcache and turned off ini_set. Once I commented memcache out in the config file and re-enabled ini_set, all is back on and working correctly. I sincerely appreciate your help.
Kind regards,