Hi Mark,
I've recently installed this excellent mod on a couple of vBulletin 4.2.5 forums that I administer.
As it was working well on the first one I installed it on, I installed it on the second one. Soon after, I was informed by a user that he was receiving the following requester on clicking on the
Post Quick Reply button, after typing a response into the
Quick Reply panel:
Attachment 157371
This had never happened previously, and the normal behaviour returned on disabling the mod. A little more testing determined that with the mod enabled, but no tag names specified, the problem didn't occur!
I didn't notice the problem on the first forum, as I had disabled the
Quick Reply option on it. When I temporarily enabled it there, the problem manifested itself.
Wondering if there was a conflict with some other mod, I tried disabling them all on a test version of the production forum, but the problem persisted.
I've just now done an install of a new, clean, V4.2.5 forum, with no changes to the default configuration.
Yes, Click Not Required was the default for the
Quick Reply option.
After creating a thread, and doing a couple of Quick Replies, without any problem, I installed the mod, and the problem manifested itself (again, only when a tag name was specified). So, it would seem that the problem isn't caused by any conflict with another mod?
Any ideas?