Originally Posted by noypiscripter
Enable debug mode in the root config and core config to see the error stack trace.
HTML Code:
Debug: Error
<b>API Error</b><br><b>Error:</b> invalid_query_definition_x<br><b>Args:</b><br><pre style="font-family:Lucida Console,Monaco5,monospace;font-size:small;overflow:auto;border:1px solid #CCC;">array ( 0 => 'tablename', )</pre>
occurred in file /var/www/xxxxxxx.xx/core/vb/db/query.php on line 298
Function getQuery in file /var/www/xxxxxx.xx/core/vb/db/assertor.php line 225
--------------- Added [DATE]1549284087[/DATE] at [TIME]1549284087[/TIME] ---------------
I know now, why this not work. User delicjous helps me to found out. My table was not defined in querydefs.php. Since it is defined in, I get no errors anymore by using function getDbAssertor().
How should anyone know this?