Originally posted by rkettner
What code would I add in order to parse list tags? I regularily use bulleted lists on my page, and would like to continue to do so. Is that possible?
As I promised:
Edit newsconfig.php, find:
$news[$i][pagetext]= preg_replace("/(\[)(url)(])(\r\n)*([^\"]*)(\[\/url\])/siU", "<a href=\"\\5\" target=\"_blank\">\\5</a>",$news[$i][pagetext]);
BEFORE that add:
if (preg_match("/(\[)(list)(])(.*)(\[\/list\])/siU", $news[$i][pagetext],$matches1))
$matches1[4]=preg_replace("/(\[\*\])(.*)/siU", "<li>\\2", $matches1[4]);echo $matches1[4];
$news[$i][pagetext]=preg_replace("/(\[)(list)(])(.*)(\[\/list\])/siU", $matches1[4], $news[$i][pagetext]);
This code will parse bulleted list tag.