Originally Posted by MarkFL
Older versions of vB 4 (before 4.2.5) have the option to either use a cookie based thread marking system or a database based system. Those using the cookie based system will still see the read threads, only not in bold, in the "New Posts" query.
I much prefer the database marking system, and have been using it since vB 4.2.1. It does cause some confusion to people who have been using the cookie based system, and then upgrade to vB 4.2.5 and find the "New Posts" query suddenly behaves differently.
I think the best advantage to the database system is that it is device/browser independent. Once you've read a thread, the system kows you've read it even if you change to another browser or device.
I just want to see topic there bold or not bold not important.
I upgraded my forum from 4.2.3 to 4.2.5 and started this problem.
Could you please define me how can I make this settings?