Guys, the original instructions in the ZIP file are wrong. I followed MW[MWGN]'s instructions and it finally worked for me. I followed both of these steps:
PHP Code:
if ($avatarurl=="" or ($bbuserinfo[userid]>0 and !($bbuserinfo[showavatars]))) {
Replace with:
PHP Code:
if ($avatarurl=="" or ($bbuserinfo[userid]>0 and !($bbuserinfo[showavatars]))) {
$post[avatar]="<img src=images/avatars/noavatar.gif border=0>";
And the second step:
Replace with:
PHP Code:
return "images/avatars/noavatar.gif";
The first step alone didn't work. But, after I performed the second step, it worked great. So, I'm not sure which one did it for me. I'm not going to f' with it.