Originally Posted by AwesomeShark305
Myself & my other lead admin are super administrators, just like the head admin account. A regular admin that we can appoint, can change our primary user group and then ban our accounts. we have about 9 normal admins. A regular admin should not have the ability to change my user groups. also my server is written to where I am a Super admin, so in the event this actually happened, the site should always allow me access to the admin panel no matter what. why is this a thing?
You have far too many administrators. The software is designed to have a limited number of administrators. Many sites have only one. The odds are that most of those people do not need administrator permissions. If they do they don't need all of the administrator permissions. That is why you have problems. My recommendation would be to remove all administrator permissions from anyone who does not need to have them. In Usergroups > Administrator Permissions remove permissions from anyone who does not need that specific permission. Then those people will not have the ability to alter other administrators.