Originally Posted by In Omnibus
You've been dong this long enough to know that off-topic replies bury the original question which makes it harder to find and causes it to take longer to get an answer. It's not as though it's personal. As you pointed out it's not like this site is setting activity records these days. I check it a lot less frequently than I once did, as do many people. With that in mind when I do check it I like to try to help people if possible which is easier if their questions are not buried.
Hello. If you have something to say about the way I talk... then send me a PM, all you accomplish by "bashing" me in public is that you are completely intolerant of others that also are trying to help others. You say you want to help people, and yet, your response, kinda proves the opposite. You want to be friendly to people here, here's a thought, actually be friendly. If not, then you can expected people to treat you like shit in return, pure and simple.
To everyone else, you have my deepest apology for the nonsense that this turned into. I will have to determine whether this is an example of what this community has become, and that will determine whether or not I remain active here.
TL/DR - If your going to be an ass, at least, have the common decency to be mature enough to take responsibility and apologize.