I don't understand the need for this, I also don't underatand how the author of a video on youtube would use a Pirate Skull and Crossbones as an avatar/profile image... many will associate that badly with hackers or similar and will not list their site after seeing that on the video page respectively (my 2 cents).
If there were some type of benefit to "registering your forum on a forum without any perks" then perhaps but as of right now it's just a waste of time in my honest opinion to even signup on your site, why? For what? Just to be listed, that is it? If you want to network and work with others then you create a new forum for that (i.e. the common/shared interest) not just for listing their site OR you join an existing forum to network but creating a forum list site just for "Working together" has been done before and there are many one as a prime example is a site for custom scripts, Dynamic Drive i.e.
http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ and if you wish to discuss the scripts and/or work together on them you then use their forums i.e.
http://www.dynamicdrive.com/forums/ which makes sense.