Quote for upgrade/install needed
Hi, we have an existing forum using vBulletin® Version 4.2.0.
The license information has been lost over time, so it is currently unlicensed and we cannot find that info.
We do of course have admin rights/passwords/database access.
It looks like vBulletin 5.4 is $249.
And I see an install option for $169.
Will that $169 cover the full migration from 4.2.0 to 5.x and move all the old threads and users and formatting over to the new 5.x? Moving all the old data over?
If not, how much would this cost me?
The only plugin we have is Tapatalk. So nothing fancy going on here.
We don't have any admins who are ninja's with vBulletin so some hand-holding is needed here.
Also, how much would it cost to have someone create the vBulletin mobile app for us if we choose to pay extra for that option?