Now when I try it it doesn't work on your site for some reason. So, in the plugin titled "Display Recent Posts Block" locate the code:
PHP Code:
$threads .= '<td>' . $thread . '<a class="rpb_links' . $t_style . '" href="' . fetch_seo_url('thread', $tpost) . '&p=' . $tpost['postid'] . '#post'. $tpost['postid'] . '" title="' . $tname . $t_preview . '">' . $t_title . '</a></td></tr>';
And replace it with:
PHP Code:
$threads .= '<td>' . $thread . '<a class="rpb_links' . $t_style . '" href="' . fetch_seo_url('thread', $tpost) . '?p=' . $tpost['postid'] . '&viewfull=1#post'. $tpost['postid'] . '" title="' . $tname . $t_preview . '">' . $t_title . '</a></td></tr>';
Let me know if that works for you, please.