Keeping Channels Separate
I am only using vB5 a short time. Back in v4 I was able to set up one umbrella forum (the name of the site) and then different subforums for different usergroups and one group could not see the posts in the other ones. Essentially, each group thought they had their own forum. When they logged in, they were only able to see their forum.
Right now, I'm setting up Usergroups to achieve this but don't understand how to make it display correctly via Channels.
For example. Right now the TopLevel Forum (which should contain all the subforums) is FORUM NAME (Node Id 1) and the next channel should be SUBFORUM 1 (Node Id 2) and the channels below that belong to that subforum and all the users in that subforum belong to usergroup subforum1
When I try to create the second forum, I say that I want the channel to be based off subforum 1, but it insists that I want subforum 1 as the parent forum. I want Node Id 1 to be the parent of all the subforums. I want each subforum to have its own group and none of the groups can see the posts in the other subforums.
I did this easily in vB4 but can't figure it out now.
What am I doing wrong?