Anything wrong with my functions?
Hello, do you see anything wrong or modified in my functions.php?
My client forum is no running 4.2.1 and asked me to upgrade to 4.2.5.
I've done everything normally, but when I upload and replace all of 4.2.5 files, some characters are removed from the forum.
For example, "Welcome to this forum, you may send reply" changes to "Wecme o his fru, yu ay sed rely"
Up to this step, I did not run upgrade script, and only I've uploaded and replaced files.
I revert changes to the last status.
Another time I did upload and replace each file individually to see why this happens.
I figured out /includes/functions.php is having issue.
Although I uploaded the latest vb version from member's area, I'm not sure why it behaves likes this.
Would you please check it out?
Also class_core.php, init.php and function.php of includes folder should have the same version.
All are attached.