Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman
Is this lite version complete? By that I mean as a "Lite" modification it can function on it's own entirely without use of the pro mod or files?
It is.
Originally Posted by TheLastSuperman
However the folder and .xml file are not present in the current .zip file you have uploaded here to vbulletin.org, I see the last time this was updated was on May 7th of this year, I believe someone forgot to include all the required files for the "Lite" version in the new .zip file will you please check this and correct? Thanks 
The zip file is correct and all files are present & accounted for.
As you can see, the folder and XML file is indeed present.
Whether the instructions work in the latest version of vB5, I can't say, as whether the "core" part of the folder is needed for the vB5 AdminCP to work as intended seemed to yoyo back and forth between versions the last time I looked at vB5.