Originally Posted by paradoxG(r)eek
Later today I'll release a mod to do this work. But should be a small fee for it as I'm not coding anymore for vBulletin.
As I will not be able to release it here, those who are interest, must contact me with PM.
Discussion of modifications like this generally end up with a free/lite version release. If this were not the case then this thread should have been posted in the
Private Coders Discussion forum for feedback from other coders with a link to this thread provided for reference, we do this to avoid the mentioning of pricing and such.
You're free to do what you wish in regards to how you release it but from here on out on the org will you please not "get peoples hopes up" with a mod and mention pm'ing for it because you must charge - do you see how that comes across? ESL or not you must clearly see the issue there

(Edit why not release a lite version, one could have a major function (like content removal the lite doe snot etc)).