Originally Posted by mdawg
Master of Unive you are apparently not aware that DragonBytes does "hot fix" updates constantly, including many after their header was written, nor do you perhaps understand what this means. As well their paid versions are currently the same as the ones posted here, taking into account the hot fixes.
Anyway, you are writing a lot here without saying much. Thanks for your input.
Do you even know what hotfix mean? You don't. Hotfix is a fix for serious bugs without changing the version number. It is not regular fix or cumulative update. Hotfixes have nothing to do with major updates, which is what you are asking for. Stop saying what you don't know. The fact that they keep release hotfix for an outdated product proves their responsiblity to not let customers in danger for bugs. But release a new version is a lot more.
Well, I'm write quite a lot because it is somehow painful to watch people keep asking for mods in a software not suitable for mod. Perhaps I should stop now. So good luck.