Originally posted by Gazer
Could someone please tell me where this file goes now i have added the room No : Look at the "template_chatbit_sigmachat.txt" for an example (replace XXXXX with your room number)
I have done that but were does it go now ???
As when i click onto the chat button all i have is a blank screen.
Any ideas thanks
Gazer, RaiderSoft has updated their chatclient to a newer version, and it uses different settings. The "old" chatbit examples don't work anymore. Best thing to do is to log in at RaiderSoft and click Link Instructions.
But here's an example anyway:
PHP Code:
<applet code="Client.class" codebase="http://freechat.raidersoft.com" archive="scclient6_en.zip" width=$setwidth height=$setheight>
<param name="port" value="9002">
<param name="room" value="XXXXX">
<param name="canvaslength" value="2000">
<param name="lang" value="en">
<param name="layout" value="std">
<param name="lopt" value="s+t+a+c+h+d+">
<param name="urllist" value="true">
<param name="subroom" value="true">
<param name="username" value="$username">
<param name="exitURL" value="http://yoursite.com">
Two things to change here:
XXXXX = your roomnumber
Joergh, what exactly are you looking for? A client without a logout button and where you can change fonts?