Originally Posted by ckgb
Ckeditor Photoplog Gallery Selector button returns page 404.
selector.php is in place and works. Selector button is not pointing to the selector. Everything else works, so I think all the paths are set correctly. Checked and triple-checked.
Same problem here, the Photoplog Gallery Selector button is not pointing to the correct path. What I mean by this is that:
HTML Code:
should be
HTML Code:
I could not find the code under custom BB codes. Where/how do I change this?
In the meantime I've added a rewrite. In case someone else wants to do this, here is the code. Add this to .htaccess :
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
# BEGIN Rewrite /gallery/ to /photoplog/
RewriteRule ^gallery/(.*)$ /photoplog/$1 [R=301,NC,L]
# END Rewrote /gallery/ to /photoplog/