one thing i was curious.....the slider seems a bit buggy for me? or something...
i want to ensure 8 threads....but it seems limited somehow....
i tried adding more forums to the list....that seems to make it worse, i ended up with only one thread by then somehow
maybe it is adding threads without images/links in the rotation? how can we keep slider 8 topics all with images only? sometimes for the slider thumbnail there is a black empty box, sometimes a blank space, but i notice the last frame delays...seems to be cycling thru empty topics i think 8 are there, but somehow a few are ghosts...
also i noticed the hotbar does not animate past 6 topic descriptions...if 8 display, for example, it will cycle 6 then repeat the same 6....hover will show descriptions, but it seems like a couple bugs
.....also, it would be really awesome if this could have a setting to remove ad and go full width...or change ad width, something like that........i feel the slider preview is too narrow and the ad is to wide, plus in some cases the ad may not be desired at all...or else for logged out members only or such...
EDIT: i got pretty close to the last point in this post....i got all the style code altered proper, but where is it in the php that cuts each frames "left" position? looks like it is putting up to 8 images 640px wide in a row, then shifting the "left" postion on a time rate to show the proper one...where is that code? or how to alter? i only see this {vb:raw yilmaz_slide_show_big} and the php around that is alien to me...
thank you for the addon, i missed this one before